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The Training Place




with Reanette Etzler

Calendar Jul 17, 2024 at 1 pm

In this LeaderShift mastermind we will discuss vitally important leader shifts including:

  • How to continually learn, unlearn and relearn touchstone leadership principles.
  • How to go from pleasing people to challenging people to become better leader and mentor
  • How to change your focus from maintaining to creating, unlocking the mental blocks keeping you from reaching your full potential.
  • How to move from being goal- oriented to growth oriented while dropping bad habits, changing wrong priorities, and embracing new ways of thinking.

TWI Job Relations/Relaciones Laborales - 4 Sessions/Sesiones


with Emiliano Jimenez-Cornejo

Calendar Sep 9, 2024 at 9 am

Schedule: Mon. - Thurs., September 9-12, 9 am-12 pm

TWI Job Relations offered in Spanish

In our leadership course, we recognize that supervisors and managers often find that leading people is more challenging than expected. Whether you're new to a leadership role or looking to enhance your skills, our Job Relations (JR) course is designed to teach the essential aspects of leadership and positive employee interactions. Learn how to develop and maintain constructive relationships to prevent problems that hinder performance. JR lays the foundation for enhancing stability in your processes, fostering a team spirit and collaborative atmosphere. Elevate your leadership skills and create a workplace where collaboration thrives.

  • Job Relations emphasizes "Respect for People."  It trains and coaches supervisors on how to handle problems, how to prevent them from occurring, and it aids in developing a logical, common-sense approach to handling issues with a people-centric view. The program's core elements are proven to inspire consensus-building and individual problem-solving.
  • Job Relations teaches the foundations of positive employee relations. Developing and maintaining these good relationships prevents problems from arising and is paramount to earning loyalty and cooperation from others.
  • When problems arise, Job Relations teaches a proven method of getting the facts, weighing options, deciding, taking action, and checking results.
  • Benefits experienced from practicing Job Relations include increased productivity, improved attendance, better morale, and higher employee retention rates.

This model was first developed in the US during World War ll, and right after the end of the war, it was embraced and improved over several decades by the Japanese manufacturing industry. Today, it is taught around the world through the Training Within Industry (TWI) Institute, serving diverse sectors from manufacturing to agriculture, health care, food production, government, non-profit, and many more.

Our trainers are TWI Certified Trainers.



En nuestro curso de liderazgo, reconocemos que los supervisores y gerentes a menudo descubren que liderar a las personas es más desafiante de lo esperado. Ya sea que estés comenzando en un rol de liderazgo o buscando mejorar tus habilidades, nuestro curso de Relaciones Laborales (Job Relations - JR) está diseñado para enseñar los aspectos esenciales del liderazgo y las interacciones positivas con los empleados. Aprende cómo desarrollar y mantener relaciones constructivas para prevenir problemas que obstaculizan el rendimiento. JR sienta las bases para mejorar la estabilidad en tus procesos, fomentando un espíritu de equipo y una atmósfera colaborativa. Eleva tus habilidades de liderazgo y crea un entorno laboral donde la colaboración prospera.

  • Job Relations enfatiza el "Respeto por las Personas". Entrena y asesora a los supervisores sobre cómo abordar problemas, cómo evitar que ocurran y ayuda a desarrollar un enfoque lógico y práctico para manejar los problemas con una visión centrada en las personas. Los elementos centrales del programa están comprobados para inspirar la construcción de consensos y la resolución individual de problemas.
  • Job Relations enseña los fundamentos de las relaciones positivas con los empleados. Desarrollar y mantener estas buenas relaciones evita que surjan problemas y es fundamental para ganar lealtad y cooperación de los demás.
  • Cuando surgen problemas, Job Relations enseña un método comprobado para obtener los hechos, evaluar opciones, decidir, tomar medidas y verificar los resultados.
  • Los beneficios experimentados al practicar Job Relations incluyen un aumento en la productividad, una mejor asistencia, un mejor ánimo y tasas más altas de retención de empleados.

Este modelo fue desarrollado por primera vez en los Estados Unidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y justo después del final de la guerra, fue adoptado y mejorado durante varias décadas por la industria manufacturera japonesa. Hoy en día, se enseña en todo el mundo a través delTraining Within Industry Institut (TWI), sirviendo a diversos sectores, desde la fabricación hasta la agricultura, la atención médica, la producción de alimentos, el gobierno, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y muchos más.

Nuestros capacitadores son Entrenadores Certificados de TWI.

DISC Assessment - Deep Dive


with Reanette Etzler

Calendar Sep 24, 2024 at 9 am

Want to understand yourself and those around you better?  Learn to connect by understanding the different ways in which people meet their natural tendencies.  People can be drivers, influencers, sensitive, and detail oriented.  Where do you fit?  Where do your co-workers fit?  How do you engage with each person and how do they engage with you.  There is an assessment to do before the training with a code that will be sent to you. You will learn:

  • A deep dive into each of the profile types and their main characteristics
  • You will take an assessment yourself to understand your natural tendencies
  • How to determine other individual profiles based on an in-dive into the DISC Assessment
  • Learn how to manage better, connect better, and understand how to interact with others, even the most challenging individuals. 

Your Brain at Work


with Joc Clark

Calendar Sep 26, 2024 at 8:30 am

Have greater self-knowledge, awareness and increased resiliency toward emotional triggers. Use the SCARF model to identify and regain a productive mind set. Increase mental productivity to perform tasks. Immediately apply tips to keep a productive mind frame.

Understanding Personalities


with Joc Clark

Calendar Oct 3, 2024 at 8:30 am


Navigating diverse perspectives and communication styles in the professional world can often lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and a lack of appreciation for colleagues' strengths. Our training addresses this common challenge, aiming to cultivate improved communication and a profound understanding of each individual's unique contributions. Introducing the PACE® Palette – a dynamic personality temperament assessment tool. This tool revolutionizes workplace communication and extends its benefits to personal and everyday life. It's not about categorizing people into rigid boxes but understanding the blend of all four COLORS within us. With its adaptable and non-threatening approach, PACE® Palette is as effective in smaller organizations as in large corporate settings, promising a harmonious and productive work environment.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to quickly identify their "dominant" and "secondary" colors and easily identify the dominant color of those around them (co-workers, clients, supervisors, and even significant others in their lives).
  • Trainees will gain insights into the dominant traits of each color, personality style, and communication preference. 
  • Participants will walk away with the tools to effectively communicate with others who may have a different color temperament.

Duration: 3 hours

Five Coaching Conversations - 4 Sessions


with Morgan Massie

Calendar Oct 3, 2024 at 9 am, runs for 4 weeks

Four live virtual trainings, on the following days:

Session 1: Oct 3, 9-11 am (Intro and Personal Coaching Preferences)
Session 2: Oct 10, 9-11 am (Explain and Explore)
Session 3: Oct 17, 9-11 am (Encourage and Empower)
Session 4: Oct 24, 9-11 am (Elevate and Action Planning)

A research-based model for maximizing people’s performance and potential. This interactive and award-winning leadership development program has helped leaders across the globe be as effective as possible and get the best results out of their people. Based on the book of the same name and facilitated by one of the authors, The Five Coaching Conversations program leverages effective and practical leadership tools that are designed to:

  • Assess and improve leadership coaching ability        
  • Enhance virtual leadership and communication        
  • Maximize individual and team performance        
  • Set up new employees for success        
  • Help others navigate ambiguity, indecision and uncertainty         Keep others engaged and motivated        
  • Delegate effectively        
  • Retain and develop key talent

Team Lead & Supervisor Readiness


with Reanette Etzler

Calendar Oct 8, 2024 at 1 pm

Learn about team leaders and supervisor tasks, relationships and performance standards and leadership qualities. Develop communication skills to improve ability to lead others.

Managing Priorities


with Joc Clark

Calendar Oct 10, 2024 at 8:30 am

Learn to identify workload priorities and goals. Establish a system to verify achievement of your goals. Develop decision-making strategies to navigate changes that impact your workload. Develop a process to manage a variety of priorities.

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